Our Club History
The Northeast Wisconsin Club was formed in the Summer of 1978 by Vince Van Laanen, Pat Fischer, and Fred Neville.  In October, the club held its first election of officers in the Green Bay area of Wisconsin.  The officers were - President, Vance Van Laanen; Vice-president, Ralph Shelden; Secretary, Janet (Bredael) Fischer; Treasurer, Fred Neville;
Directors, Corky Jarstad and Randy Becker.
By May 16, 1981, the club held its first sanctioned field trial in Wautoma, Wisconsin with Steve Sebestyen and John Whitaker as the judges.  First place went to:
Open - Albert Beedle, Jr with FC AFC Buffer Canyon and Amateur - Corky Jarstad with Baywind Baywind's Skeeter. 
In 1983, the first US Cocker Field Trails since 1950's was held near Green Bay, Wisconsin.  Vance Van Laanen, President of the club, was a great inspiration in renewing the interest in this breed after his many visits to England.  Due to his great planning, the trial was held on August 20th at South Chase Kennels near Green Bay.
The club held its first sanctioned Hunt Test in 1996 and first licensed Hunt Test on September 12th and 13tth at Fox Ridge Game Farm.